Monday, May 28, 2012


This is the new blog.... It's been a long time coming!
I encourage all of you to not only read thru all the posts as they are published, but please repost and share generously!!!
Also leave comments!  Argue, disagree, listen, open your heart and learn something new, check me!  Prove me wrong!  Educate me, thereby educating the many.
Most don't wanna hear or learn anything new, certainly not if they have to change!  But some do.  Some are eager and hungry for truth and a better way.  Those are the ones I write for.


allergy (āl'ər-jē) Pronunciation Key An abnormally high immunologic sensitivity to certain stimuli such as drugs, foods, environmental irritants, microorganisms, or physical conditions, such as temperature extremes. These stimuli act as antigens, provoking an immunological response involving the release of inflammatory substances, such as histamine, in the body. Allergies may be innate or acquired in genetically predisposed individuals. Common symptoms include sneezing, itching, and skin rashes, though in some individuals symptoms can be severe.allergy. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Science Dictionary. Retrieved September 19, 2011, from website:

So from now on..... When you say "allergies", you'll know what the hell you're talking about.  Right.........??  Right ? ? ? 

Everything is allergies these days.

Everyone has allergies these days.
Every Pet has allergies these days!
But do any of us really know what that means???  
Medical professionals presume upon the notion that the general population is too dumb to understand.  And they're right.  Dumb... as in, even if they did explain to you how allergies work - you wouldn't be able to comprehend because you are mentally inferior.  
So they just tell you you have allergies, write you a prescription and are done with you.  And you think this is magic.  You never question anything...  Validating the doctors' assumption that you're dumb....
So you never really understand what's going on - with the "allergy" or the prescription.  You don't know what's going on inside your body.  You don't know WHY you have allergies.  You assume you and your dog are supposed to have allergies.  


Yeah.... you do assume that.  
And you assume it, based on the herd mentality.  Everybody else in the herd has allergies so it must be normal.
But flip backward thru the pages of time.... and see if you can spot when this became "normal"...
Right about the time we introduced mass vaccinations into the population maybe......???????  Just a theory....  But you know I'm right.....

"An abnormally high immunologic sensitivity....."
Vaccines screw with the immune system.  Period.  Even in your pets. 
"A vaccination" once for a very good and present reason makes sense.  But then some fool figured out there was money to be made off of people's ignorance and fears....  So now we've just about vaccinated our immune systems out of existence.
Did you know that ONE rabies vaccination in a lifetime is all your pet ever really needs?  Did your vet tell you that one?
O N E !  And unless your pet is exposed to wild animals or lives in a very rural environment...... they probably don't even need that.  Whens the last time rabies was a problem in your suburb....?
"A case" of rabies being reported in the area you live in means you need to be cautious.  It does NOT mean YOU AND YOUR DOG WILL DIE OF RABIES WHEN THE SUN SETS!!!
"Allergies"..... is simply your body doing what its supposed to do to protect itself, stay balanced, & stay healthy.  But we're so intelligent we rush to the drug store and buy something to stop this natural process!  
Rather than caring, much less understanding, that if we would instead HELP our bodies do what they're doing, we in the long run would be much healthier.
Pets too.  Vets actually recommend Benadryl for them too now!
Allergies would no longer be a problem, nor would "colds" or flu if we truly understood just what we're doing.

#1) Build and protect your immune system!
#2) STOP actively destroying your immune system!
#3) Learn!
#4) Stop being afraid to be responsible for yourself and your pets!

These 4 simple steps are nearly impossible for the average person to do.
Because of fear and laziness.  
So health care has become, not a personal or even community concern, but An Industry!!!
Who's fault is that . . . . .  ?
See.... You really are dumb.

Basic Etiquette on Tipping Your Pet Groomer

Many people do not know these things!  Pet groomers should not be angry with clients who do not know, yet it feels rude to "say anything".  So let me help....
Here is a quick basic lesson in proper pet grooming etiquette:
Always tip your pet groomer, bather and nail trimmer!!!
As with anything else, tip according to your level of satisfaction and appreciation.  If you get horrible service, do not tip.  
Nail trims should receive at least $2 but there is no limit.
Baths with no hair cut should receive at least $5 but there is no limit.
Bath with hair cut should receive at least $5-$10 but there is no limit.
Pets (dogs & cats) that are in any way very large, difficult or require extra care should be tipped more!
Tips are NOT part of your bill!!!  Tips are a show of gratitude and appreciation. If you tip, your groomer always goes the extra mile for you and your pet.
If your groomer is an idiot, don't tip.... As a matter of fact, find a new groomer!
Pay close attention to your groomer/bather.  Do not blame them or hold them accountable for things they are not responsible for, such as - company policies, receptionists attitudes, salon owner attitudes, manager attitudes, busy days with not enough help or being short-staffed, pre-existing conditions your pet may have such as 'bad hair"....
Puppies are not easier to groom!!!  Tip full price.
Old dogs are more difficult to groom!  Tip extra.
If you expect extra care, tip!
Pay close attention to your groomer!  If they are kind and patient with your pet, if they are kind and patient with you, if they listen and take good instructions from you, if the groom is done right and in the time frame they tell you.... Then do NOT withhold a tip!  If there are problems with the establishment that are not your groomer's fault, do not punish the groomer by withholding a tip!  The groomer, not the management, is the one taking care of your baby.
If you find a good groomer, request them by name each time you book an appointment.  Tip them regularly.  They will always make time for you, squeeze you in on busy days, take you last minute.... and you will never have to worry about your pet's care.
Also if you find a good groomer, spread the word about them!  Mention them by name and the establishment they work for on every "review this" spot on the internet!  Recommend them on fb, twitter and every other form of social media. Mention them on your web site, blog, or vlog.
Good pet groomers are hard to find!
Even tho corporate pet salons have horrible reputations (and rightly so), there are some exceptional groomers working in some of these salons!  Ask around.  
Also DO NOT be afraid to report bad groomers on the internet....  A bad groomer is NOT one that doesn't groom your dog perfectly the first time.  A bad groomer is one that consistently gives you and your pet a bad experience. Hurting your pet more than once, not following your instructions, following your instructions but it still looks like a bad groom....  Don't go back...!
Hurting your pet more than once may seem like too many chances, but pet grooming is often very VERY difficult!  Accidents happen!  So don't judge by one fairly harmless accident.  Judge by overall reputation and more than one experience with that groomer.  If you just get bad vibes.... find a new groomer. And when you've found one - TIP GENEROUSLY!
Don't complain about prices.  Just like having children, if you can't afford them, don't have them.  Grooming is part of their regular care.  It must be in your budget!  And a tip is part of the service.
Thank you to all the generous tippers!!!  You make difficult days worth while! ;)
Also see Basic Etiquette on Tipping Your Pet Groomer 3.0: Holiday Tips
And Basic Etiquette on Tipping Your Pet Groomer 2.0: Cats
And Tipping Etiquette
And Is Your Dog "Bad" For The Groomer

Feedback Please....

I'll keep this brief...  I'd like some dialog if yall would indulge me....
What are your thoughts and/or experiences with corporate or chain grooming salons such as Petco, Petsmart, Petland.... etc, etc?

Top Heavy Rescue Movement

It is a beautiful thing to have a pet in your family.  For many, many reasons!  But as a natural born animal person and professional groomer I see much too often how people just do not realize the commitment it takes to have a pet in the family.  This is sad and tragic.  Most of these pets end up in a shelter, re-sheltered, or worse.
What's just as tragic is that there is NO ONE educating people!  We've achieved a major milestone in the "rescue" movement and "no-kill" shelter policies.  How compassionate of us.
But now, what do we do with all these animals?  We place them in families that have no idea what they've gotten themselves into.  They do not know the first thing about animals - their nature, their specific and individual needs, their peculiarities, the way they communicate, the costs involved.....  And worse again is that the people who work or volunteer at shelters and rescues have very inconsistent education and information about animals so they aren't prepared to equip new pet parents with all that they need.  
Love speaks volumes!!!  Love is the answer.  But real love sometimes needs to get down and dirty, get tough, get real.  "Animal rights" is great.  But what about animal education for HUMANS?  
We should start in school.  Kindergarten.  Animal awareness, animal behavior, animal nutrition, animal communication.... these things should be taught to children throughout their academic careers.  Then everyone would know at least some basics.  The lack of knowledge about how to care for pets is mind-boggling!  I see it everyday!   Most people with live pets really just need to get a stuffed animal at Toys R Us...  really.  We've come so far...!  But we're top-heavy!  We need to balance all the compassion and rescue efforts with some good wisdom and education!  
The only source of information most people think they have about animals is a veterinarian.  This too is sad.  There are some very good, gifted, compassionate and aware vets in the world today.  But they are very few and far between, and hard to find.  Vets are a dime a dozen....  They have a very expensive education.  They passed some very hard tests.  Yet most of them have no gift....  
Cesar Millan has a gift.  No one taught him to do what he can do with animals.  Temple Grandin has a gift.  No one taught her to understand animals the way that she does.  Gifted people like this have much to teach the world about our animal companions.  Even the late Steve Irwin had a gift, an intuition, about the animals he loved.  But there are many more gifted people in the world than these I've mentioned who have risen to fame.  These people need to speak, they need to come forth and give the wisdom and knowledge they have to the world.  An expensive education means nothing.  Results mean everything.  Scientific studies mean nothing when they're only designed to patent a new product for a corporation to make money.  
We believe every commercial on TV.  We believe every pamphlet we read at the vet.  Yet we have no actual knowledge of anything.  This shows the huge informational/educational gap in our society.  
You pay your $5000 dollar trainer who has a certificate and I'll keep watching the one-time illegal immigrant from Mexico....  You pay your $3000 vet bill and I'll read Animals in Translation written by the weird Autistic girl and see animals in a way NO collage educated doctor could even imagine, much less teach you about....
Wake up human beings.  You are conscious.  You are limitless.  Learn!!!  Teach!!!  Stop being afraid of offending people.  Stop being afraid that the puppies in your kennel won't get adopted if they get too old.  Stop putting the cart before the horse.  We've done great things because of love.  Let's not let stupidity unravel all we've prayed and worked so hard to accomplish.

I have worked professionally with animals for over 12 years.  I can help you with your pets....!  Make an appointment. 

Is Your Dog "Bad" For the Groomer??

Animals serve, but they don't create. They feel, think, make choices..... but they don't create. They "make beds" (nests, holes, dens....), but that's all. They don't aspire to create.
They hunt for food, but they don't work. Unless its for a human. 
Humans create. Humans make the world we live in. Humans have the say...

To force an animal into submission   /\   To ask an animal to trust you...
To be controlling, dominating   /\   To be awake, aware, feeling...

The feeling of power..... to look into a dogs eyes.... 
Knowing why they're scared! 
Knowing that if you were in the same position you too would be afraid of whomever had control over you because they did not know what they were doing...! 

Sitting in a dentist chair, knowing the dentist was incompetent, unfeeling of your fears, and you could not get up without consequences. 
Knowing that the doctor who is going to do surgery on you was not taught well, and has no natural talent - knowing he is going to hurt you and do it wrong - and having no choice, no way out.

It DOES matter who your pet's groomer is! 
It DOES matter who trims your pet's nails! 
If you find a good groomer, take good care of them, recommend them, appreciate them with a generous tip, compliment them to their boss... They are very hard to come by! 
Don't be impressed with certificates or the name of the salon, not even corporate ones. Especially not corporate ones!!!  
And don't cry about the price if the value backs it up!

Most "groomers" don't understand any more about dogs and cats than the average person. They were taught breed specific hair cuts, but know nothing about animal psychology! 
Most dogs that are labeled "bad dogs" are not
It's all about the person handling them. 
I've seen this demonstrated consistently through out my career. 

I've been a pet groomer for eleven years at this writing...
Don't trust your pet to just any idiot. 
Find a good groomer. You'll know. You'll feel it. And so will your pet.