Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Shelter Dogs & Cats

Ok yall.... I'm just so frikken sick of all the sad-sack shelter stories at this time of year!!!!
The sad photos, the pleas to Santa for a "forever home", the desperate bombardment of SADNESS!
That is an "issue" that runs deeper than Christmas!  So lets just stop steppin' in dog shit for a minute and GET HAPPY!!!!
It's CHRISTMAS f'god sake!
And all the push to adopt shelter dogs as Christmas presents....... Well, THAT'S WHY WE HAVE AN ISSUE!!!!

Don't Do That ! ! ! ! !

Don't give animals for presents!
It's dumb.  It's stupid.  It creates a very long term problem for the rest of the world.  It makes sure that the shelters will be full, overflowing and desperate for NEXT Christmas....

So hows about we focus on the RESPONSIBLE pet parents right now....!  The Happy kittens and puppies (of all ages!) who bless us, make us laff, keep us company and listen to our hearts when no human can hear them.....
Let's celebrate THIS!!!

The shelter problem will NEVER go away!  As long as there are stupid humans, there will be pain and suffering.  So let's be grateful, joy-filled, and happy with the little "effers" that live with us right now.  Lets hold all the other animals in our hearts while we feel this unspeakable joy and share it with them!  They will feel it!!!!

Cats climbing Christmas Trees, darting in and out of empty gift bags, running thru ripped wrapping paper...
Dogs sniffing the table, drinking from your cocktail glass, stealing the gift box of chocolates.....

That's all this day is about.  Not beliefs.  Not money.  But a reason to celebrate.
So do it right!
Love your animals!
Beam that love into the world!

Merry Christmas from Petgroomer 911!!!

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