Friday, January 20, 2017

Feral Cat Colonies - A Full Discourse

You do NOT understand what feral means.
You do NOT understand cats.
You do NOT understand colonies.
And you do NOT understand The Prime Directive!

Can you open your mind enough to consider that this may be true?
Yes, "RESCUER", I'm talking to you!

"Back in the day, we used to "fill in the blank". But nowadays, they do it like "this"
Ever heard of a scenario like this??
Why did things ever change...?
Because some human evolved. They grew. The imagined a better way and followed that path. They were inspired with a moment of genius that led to a great new thing.
Remember leaches and electro-therapy??? (google them under "medicinal uses")

We do what we have to do.... Until we learn more. Then we adjust.
This allows us to grow, become more efficient, evolve.
Evolution is our progress toward the divine.

feral - wild, untamed, untamable, undomesticated, untrained
cat - an independent, social, intelligent, wild species of animal that have a language and completely self sufficient cultural structure just like all other living beings do.
colony - A colony is a group who settle in a new place but keep ties to their homeland.

Now put it all together....
Feral. Cat. Colony.
Wild, untamed, untamable, undomesticated, untrained, independent, social, intelligent, species of animal that have a language and a completely self sufficient cultural structure just like all other living beings that have settled in a new place but keep ties to their homeland.

The Prime Directive is a prohibition on interference with the other cultures and civilizations that representatives of different species encounter in their exploration of the universe.

Now.... Why in the name of god or anyone else do human beings feel the need to INTERFERE with FCCs as if they needed help!?

Well..... Here's a good story on the subject....

In truth, the legitimate concerns about feral cat colonies in the modern world only exist in cities, and these concerns include disease, aggression, population, and surrounding ecological balance.
I bet most "RESCUERS" don't even know what that means, much less have they ever considered the truths behind it.

Well, here's what "considering" issues on a deeper, more honest and sincere level looks like:

  • Disease
  • Aggression
  • Ecological Balance
  • Population
There is no other legitimate reason to interfere with feral cat colonies besides these.
And the only factor that lends legitimacy to these few concerns is the instance where the colony exists in a city with no nature, no wilderness, no large parks in which to be part of a complete ecological cycle. A cat colony inside a man-made, artificial environment does not and even can not behave naturally and in a healthy way. They become by default, dependent on unnatural means of survival.

  • Disease - What diseases do feral cats have or carry that would be a cause for concern?
    • According to a Wikipedia entry about feral cats:
Disease prevalence
Feral cats, as with all cats, are susceptible to diseases and infections including rabies, bartonellosis, toxoplasmosis, plague, parasites, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), feline leukemia virus (FeLV), rickettsial diseases, and feline respiratory disease complex (FRDC, a group of respiratory illnesses including feline herpesvirus type 1, feline calicivirus, Chlamydia felis, and Mycoplasma felis).[38]

Feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus belong to the Retroviridae family, and both cause immunosuppression in cats, which can increase their susceptibility to other infections. Research has shown that the prevalence of these viruses among feral cat populations is low and is similar to prevalence rates for owned cats in the United States.[39][40]

Researchers studying 553 feral cats in Northern Florida in the United States tested them for a number of infections that could be detrimental to feline or human health. The study found the most prevalent infection to be Bartonella henselae, the cause of cat-scratch disease in humans, with 33.6% of the cats testing positive. Feline coronavirus was the next most common infection, found in 18.3% of the cats, although they noted that the antibody levels were low in most of the cats who tested positive, and concluded that the cats they tested did not appear to be a greater risk for shedding the virus than pet cats.[40] Researchers studying 96 feral cats on Prince Edward Island (ISLAND meaning a closed area) in Canada found that feline roundworm was the most common infection in cats in that colony, afflicting 34% of cats. This was followed by Toxoplasma gondii, which was detected in 29.8% of cats, although only one cat of the 78 for whom fecal samples were available was shedding T. gondii oocysts. They did note that most fecal samples collected indicated the presence of one intestinal parasite, with some samples indicating the presence of multiple parasites.[41]

    • If you bother to notice, most diseases become effective on their victims because of LOW IMMUNITY.  This is across the board! Always. Humans, animals, plants..... Ya see, your ignorance actually spreads more disease than all the feral colonies in the world.
    • Your over-lauded VACCINATIONS are DESTROYING everyone's immune system. The "diseases" that have become Financial Industries today, did not cause one ripple of concern 50 years ago, because they basically did not exist. Oh the disease existed, but not in Every Single Animal in the country!!!
    • Yes COUNTRY, as in America. These same things don't exist in other countries the way that they do here. Why? Americans believe anything! And are terrified that not vaccinating will end in death and guilt FOR ETERNITY!!!!!
    • But look at the numbers.... At least the only ones available, which are posted above. Low percentages of disease in natural-living unvaccinated, wild animals, with the highest percentages presenting in animals with weak immune systems. In the wild this is most likely due to lack of proper nutrition. Or ingesting toxins.
    • Vaccinate them all??? NO. Build the immune system! YES. Or allow them the freedom to live naturally so that the immune system is healthy.
    • Wild animals survive just fine without vaccinations..... Do you ever think about that?!?!?
    • And what about those that just can't make it? We RESCUE these, right? NO. Leave them to nature. Do not interfere.
    • It is cruel to vaccinate and neuter, and then return them in a compromised state to the wild! Leave them alone.
  • Aggression - Reports of feral cats attacking pets, children, even adults.... 
    • Obviously feral cats are DANGEROUS!!! 
    • Are they???? How would you know the difference between dangerous and ........ 
    • Hey wait a minute.... WHY would feral cats act aggressively IN THE FIRST PLACE??? Is it just because that's what feral cats do??
    • Did anybody bother to ask?  Did anyone bother to find the reason..... Any possible reason, that feral cats would be aggressive...? No. No no one did bother. But they sure didn't waste any time ASSUMING !!
    • Aggression can be caused by hunger. I'm cranky when I need food, how bout you?
    • I might be aggressive if I were put into an unnatural environment where I could not exercise my instincts for hunting my own food. 
    • My natural prey may not exist in my current unnatural environment so I'm forced to find food in other ways, from other sources... This might put me at risk of being attacked or abused my HUMANS.
    • And because I'm put into these situations I might become desperate and even fearful.
    • At this juncture my deepest, wildest base survival protocol takes over.... I get labeled. And misunderstood. I attack you before you can attack me. I feel NO sense of trust from you whatsoever!!! YOU are dangerous to me!
    • Feral cats are not aggressive because they are feral. They may become aggressive if they're: 
      • Hungry
      • Frustrated
      • Trapped (in any sort of confining environment)
      • Sick
      • Desperate
      • Afraid
      • Imprinted with a bad experience, like abuse, or a fight
      • Taunted, harassed, or chased by humans
    • Reasons. Not assumptions. This can be fixed.
  • Ecological Balance - From what I was able to read, most concerns are about bird populations. Reportedly, feral cat colonies have wiped out entire species from their territory. Not out of aggression or genocidal tendencies.... But just for food. This obviously signifies that the cats are not in a complete ecological system. Meaning that the only prey they can find enough of in order to live are birds. 
    • So let's just take this moment to once again acknowledge and maintain perspective on the fact that this is a MAN MADE problem.
    • We - as MAN (human, not males) - can perpetuate the problem by continuing to engage in unnatural solutions for our own ignorant, and/or selfish purposes.
    • Or we can realize that all of nature has a balance, and that as evolved beings, we don't have to live like cavemen in order to cooperate and thrive WITH nature. We CAN find solutions that provide the best for every species. We can find nature's balance and progress. 
    • Solutions:
      • Relocate entire colonies to more fertile grounds
      • This means allowing the complete cycle of nature... For everyone.... Meaning cats not only have a broader variety of prey - making them healthier, and not singling out one species that could be wiped out by over-hunting - but it also means that cats themselves become prey as well. This is the cycle of nature.
      • This solves SO many human-related issues! We don't have to "kill" anyone. We don't have to perpetuate a broken method that we will forever  be burdened with finding a way to support - ie shelters, fosters, vets, meds, food, and a never-ending flow of cats, cats, and more cats.... Nature will be more fulfilled and not have the need to encroach onto human territory. We won't have to "capture" or "remove" or "hunt" coyotes, alligators, mountain lions. bears, hawks, wolves.... 
      • Let nature be nature!!!! Do not interfere. Guide and assist at best, but stop implementing "solutions" to problems that don't really exist. Just rebalance nature and let it flow, ALLOW it to be!
      • For smaller colonies, relocate them to a "workplace" where they can actually be of service once again. Rather than chemical pest control, create an ecosystem in warehouses, barns, malls, shopping centers.... anywhere that there are other creatures that humans feel the need to exterminate. Dogs work, why can't cats?? 
      • One huge NON solution is capture, foster, domesticate!!!
      • There is a difference between a feral cat, and what is called a "stray" that is actually a domesticated cat that has lost its home for whatever reason. 
      • Indoor-Outdoor free roaming is best when possible if you have cats that choose to share your space comfortably. Never force.
  • Population - More than all the other reasons for TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release) programs is to capture wild animals, surgically remove their ability to reproduce, and send them back into the wild. This is a GREAT idea, right!?!? 
    • Is it natural? NO!
    • Is it harmless? NO!
    • Did this method serve a purpose? Yes
    • Are there better solutions now that we have grown as a society and species? YES!
      • Whoa whoa whoa.... What do you mean its NOT harmless!? ALL animals who make contact with humans get "neutered" and they're just fine! 
      • Are they???
      • NO. They're NOT just fine. You've been lied to. How do I know??? RESEARCH. I highly recommend it to people who have opinions and open their mouths!
      • According to
Testosterone is an androgenic hormone produced by the testis, ovary and in small amounts by the adrenal gland.

As well as being responsible for male secondary sexual development on reproductive organs, testosterone also is responsible for positive bone, skin and cardiovascular effects[1]
Low testosterone levels in male dogs is commonly observed in neuters, hypothyroidism, hormone-responsive dermatoses, Sertoli cell tumors and with exogenous use of deslorelin[15]. 
      • And according to... A BUNCH of researchers! found HERE there are obvious, no-brainer side effects of neutering animals. Most of the "things" you take your pet to the vet for, are caused by 1) Low immunity caused by vaccinations, and 2) lack of hormone interactions thru out the body from neutering. 
      • 1 + 1 people....! 1 + 1. (That means, THE MATH IS SIMPLE! ADD IT UP!) 
      • And just for the record, 3) "things" you take your pet to the vet for, would be BAD FOOD.
    • So how do you control feral cat population??? 
      • Get them into their natural environments and let nature handle population control.
      • If you allow it to, nature will always balance itself out!
      • Spaying and neutering is only a temporary solution to an exploding situation - all at the hands of ignorant or selfish humans.
      • You have to find a better way! Do NOT stop seeking better solutions! Do NOT stop at the last best practice, keep improving on it. And do NOT continue to believe that this is all we got!!! Do not continue to believe that humans will never change. Believe in YOU. And YOU be the change. Blaze that trail! Stand your ground. LOVE!
There are so many bleeding fucking hearts out there that are convinced that they love animals so so so much! But they don't and I'm calling them out! If they loved animals so much they would search high and low for truth. They would study different animal's cultures and protocols and assist them, not tear apart their families and communities to force them into health challenges and homes that they do NOT want to live in.
"Animals have feelings!" How many "pet-lovers" say that!? Well then how do you think they feel when they're torn from their natural world where everyone speaks their language, and everyone follows the same social order, and they are unrestrained, free and happier than HUMANS will accept that they are, and forced into slavery because that's what YOU think should happen!?

The instances of humans getting disease from cats, being attacked by cats, birds disappearing because of cats.... Well YOU google it and see what you come up with.
What I've come up with is a bunch of fear-mongering con artists who are making money off of YOUR ignorance and unwillingness to find the truth and stand up for it by NOT following along with the crowd any more!
YES it's hard to do that! But remember, YOU're the bleeding heart that LOVES ANIMALS so much!!!!
I do NOT vaccinate.
I do NOT medicate.
I HAVE had all my pet cats neutered because of the smell of their spray indoors.
Even I have grown and learned that I would do all I could to NOT do that again. Indoor-Outdoor is the way to go.
OF COURSE I would not put my current house cat outside just because I have evolved!!!
He has never lived outside. He was born to a stray mom in someone's garage. He really is very content to live indoors and spend time on the balcony teasing birds and flirting with his "squirrel friend". He's so domesticated he's practically a dog...! LOL

The point is, I see that! I'm aware! I know the difference between someone who needs my assistance and someone whom I've been trained to feel sorrow for but really is just fine and wants to be left alone.

Stop trying to bail the ocean with a bucket.
Wake up.
Wise up.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Shelter & Rescue Staff & Volunteers Change Your Ways!

Change your perspective on what you're doing.... On what you've always done.....
It's backward.
Your perspective is backward.

Animal shelters are FILLED with heartbreak and sadness!!!
This is done in ignorance to indulge human self pity, and on purpose to guilt people into adopting animals!

Energy Energy Energy people!!!
It's all about the energy!
And sadness, guilt, and pity are HORRIBLE energies.

Different perspective:  Why not "begin the change" in the animal's life the MOMENT you meet them?
Greet them with respect and joy.
Be happy to have them!
If you as a shelter volunteer or staff member project the "BURDENS" of another mouth to feed, and the disgust and disdain for human beings who are cruel and stupid........ The animal feels that!
MUCH stronger and more profoundly than humans do. You can lie to humans! You can't lie to an animal for very long and get away with it.

Greet them with RESPECT.
Greet them with JOY.
Welcome them as family, like you are thrilled and honored to have their company!

FORGET THE PAST!!!! Understand it, respect it, then MOVE THE FUCK ON!!!
Animals don't carry emotional shit the way humans do.
Yes, sometimes their scars are deep.
But usually it is HUMANS who project HUMAN emotions onto animals because of their own self loathing, that they probably are not even aware of.

Change your perspective.
Stop the sadness.
Welcome them "home"!
Attract good energy by being filled with good energy, spreading good energy, accepting good energy.

Throw away your damn rule book!
Learn to love again!
Love comes from the heart - not from education, or licenses or certificates or diplomas..... And sure as HELL not from money!

Love them.
It's that simple.
Pity is not love. It confuses them!!! They don't understand why the energy in the room, in the facility, coming from YOU, won't go away! They are so filled with love and forgiveness, and so able to move on - If YOU do.

Change your perspective.
Put the horse in front of the cart.....
Stop struggling.
Stop infecting the entire rescue movement with sadness and pity!
You should be ashamed!
You won't let them be happy!

Fix that!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

My Thoughts About Vaccinations

I do not discriminate. If your pet is not current on their vaccinations for whatever reason...
If you have made a conscientous choice to NOT vaccinate your pet...
If you haven't had time to go to the vet...
If you haven't had money to go to the vet...
It makes no difference to me.

What does make a difference is that your pet is in obvious good care. I am not a vet! I do not diagnose or treat illness! But I have worked with animals long enough that I can usually recognize when a pet is too ill, or is contagious, and should receive other care before I advise you.

Corporate salons such as Petco and Petsmart require at least a rabies vaccine before they will make an appointment, as well as some private salons. I'm sure most trainers have the same policy.

Honestly, I have done my own research and don't really like vaccinations period. But YOU must do your own due diligence, your own research, and follow your own heart about such matters. Just because I'm convinced doesn't mean I'm right by anyone's standard but my own.

I feel very strongly that the entire veterinary industry is about fear, misinformation, manipulation, and control in order to harvest money.
Even the bleeding-heart, animal-loving, raised-on-the-farm kids who made it thru vet school in order to "make a difference" have come out of the system completely brainwashed. They sincerely believe all the shit they tell you.

But I don't buy into the system.... Not any of it. I don't understand going blindly thru life accepting everything you're told. The fact that students never question or stand up to information that doesn't feel right causes me to lose faith in them right out of the gate.
If one is "gifted" then they have instincts, intuition, an inner knowing that is beyond any book learning.
This describes me more than it does any vet I've ever met.

Look at dogs today compared to when some of us were kids. They all suffer from human diseases now! That NEVER happened until they started mandatory, mass vaccinations and neutering!

These solutions were meant to get humanity to higher understanding, but instead it became a for-profit industry that has a guaranteed success rate due to stacking the deck.
Industry owns all the scientist who write the text books and peer reviewed journals, and do all the research that is published, and make the meds and, "funds" the schools.... They own the pet industry. They guarantee you'll always need them!

Don't you find this suspicious???????

​I think for myself, do my own research, and I don't play into antiquated fears based on a herd mentality! I encourage you to do the same. Again, this is why I do what I do, the way that I do it.

But you must be responsible for your own choices, in all things, including your animals!

Pet Issues - Philosophy On Animal Behavior

My name is Keris Eure and I've worked in the pet grooming business for over 15 years.

I've worked at "Mom & Pop" salons, corporate salons, volunteered for rescues, owned and managed my own salon, and write a blog about animal concerns. I am a naturalist, meaning that I much prefer to do things in a natural way, working with nature the way it was created to be and has naturally evolved rather than fabricated, synthetic means.

Animals have their own form of intelligent, structured communication and social protocol. Dogs are the most domesticated animal on Earth and we as humans have taken much for granted in recent generations and have lost the essence of their true nature. This has resulted in profuse misunderstanding of dogs as pets.

Ive spent my entire career dealing with simple ignorance... People just don't understand WHY Fluffy or Spot acts the way they do....
They believe that animals are SUPPOSED to hate the groomer or the vet or nail clipping... and this just isn't so!
So I decided it was time to offer the specific service of Intervention Education!
I help assess your pet's issues and help you, and the animal, understand what's really going on.
I try to offer you solutions to make life better, happier, and more effective for us all.
I offer and assist you with many techniques including calming energy techniques and Pet Massage as simple, often times magical solutions to almost every pet issue!

It breaks my heart to see so many dogs labeled as "bad" or "mean" or "difficult" when they are simply misunderstood, much like if you were in a foreign country and did not speak the language of everybody around you. And when you did try to communicate or behave instinctively, or see your own kind and attempted to communicate with them you were scolded and separated.

I feel that it is our human rite and privilege to be responsible for these beautiful creatures.
This means it is also our responsibility to educate ourselves. Natural evolution would demand of us to consider understanding rather than resist and destroy what we cannot understand and control.

Dogs are very intelligent. They have feelings and thoughts and are emotional just as all living beings are, but that does not mean that these characteristics function the same way as our human characteristics do. Animals have so much to teach us about ourselves! But we cannot learn if we refuse to open our hearts and minds to understanding them as unique beings. And this is the approach I use to help people deal with their "animal issues".

​Dogs are not always foo foo and tail wagging when they communicate with each other. This does not mean that they are behaving badly.

So what does it mean?

A wise person will take the time to find out... to realize that it does mean something... take the time to grow and expand their own consciousness.... take time to be genuinely responsible for the life of an animal that is completely dependant upon them for.... everything.
This dependency was created by us, by human beings. We are responsible.

Most often, the problems we have with our pets are directly connected to something in us - something about our patterns or behaviors.... something in our own psyche that is only noticeable in the way we deal with our dogs. Or in the way our dogs deal with us.
A lot of people do not want to go that deep into their pet's behavior! It's too scary to examine ourselves!

But ultimately, I feel that this is the dog's greatest gift to humanity, to reflect back our own self as no other creature can. This is the true story behind their title of "Man's Best Friend". No other animal in any part of our known history is like the dog. After a while, they even start to look like us!

My personal philosophy is that as the higher, more evolved being, I should take it upon myself to understand my animal companion's language and social protocol, and do all that I can to complement her life, rather than constantly struggle to force her to be something she is not. Dogs are by nature loving, caring and family oriented. Why not acknowledge that and use it as a bridge to greater understanding so that their life and ours can be knit together in a very functional, fulfilling relationship?

​True love is not filled with pity. Animals do not pity one another.

If we become proactive and educated about the animal community rather than pitying or feeling sorry for all the ignorance and abuse... We become much more effective at home, in the community and the world.​

Can you imagine ENJOYING your dog rather than just "coping" with him!?

This is what I do.
Help you understand your dog.
This is what Pet Groomer 911 is all about.
​It's not a game of baby talk. Dogs don't do that.
"Positive Reinforcement" is often misunderstood and mis-used.
Dogs growl, bite, scratch, rip and tear.....
Dogs communicate differently.
Dogs only act aggressively under very specific circumstances. There are different types of "aggressive" behavior. And if they feel the need to be aggressive, baby talk may not be the right answer to give them.

As Cesar Millan so beautifully puts it, "be calm and assertive".
There is a huge difference between "calm" and "passive", between "assertive" and "aggressive",.

I nor anyone I may ever work with enters into combat with animals. That leads to abuse. That is what we want to change, thru education and understanding.

Choke chains, pinch collars, shock collars...... None of these are real solutions.

Grooming so many different dogs with so many different backgrounds has taught me a lot! So many dogs that used to be sedated for grooming or muzzled or turned away.... are completely different dogs now because I took the time to understand them, listen to them and reassure them that all people are not deaf to their language.

I always reserve the right to refuse service. I know when a dog or other animal's situation is beyond me! I will not endanger myself or an animal or anyone working with me. I DO NOT reinforce aggression or other undesirable behaviors. If I know I can't do it right, I prefer not to do it at all.

No nonsense.
Genuine, heart-felt help.